How to Research a Company Before a Job Interview



Andreza Mendes

For any job interview, preparation is key. Knowing the company you’re interviewing with and understanding what they do can make a big difference in how your interview goes. By researching a company before your job interview, you can gain valuable insights into its values, mission statement, and current projects.

Researching a company before an interview can give you an edge over other candidates and help ensure you make a great impression. In this article, we are going to discuss the most critical steps to take when researching a company before an upcoming job interview.

Let’s get started?


Preparing for a job interview: The research process

Before you enter a job interview, it is important to do your research. By researching the company beforehand, you can gain invaluable insights into its values, mission statement, and current projects. Researching a company before an interview will give you an edge over other candidates and help make sure you make a great impression.

Where do you start?

The first step in preparing for an interview is developing a list of questions for the interviewer. You should come prepared with questions that show your knowledge of the company and demonstrate your interest in the role. This will help you better understand what it’s like to work at the company and if it is the right fit for you.

Dive deep into the job description and the company

The next step is to understand the job description and its requirements. Read through all parts of the job posting carefully and pay attention to any details listed about preferred qualifications or desired skillsets. Understanding these requirements will put you in a better position when it comes time for your interview as you will be more familiar with what they are looking for in an ideal candidate.

Additionally, researching the company’s culture, values, and goals is also important. Find out how long they have been in business; learn about their core mission statement or values; read up on any recent news stories or press releases related to them, etc.. This will help provide context for your conversation during the interview so that your answers are tailored accordingly.


You should also identify key stakeholders within the company, such as executives or people who have been working there for many years who could offer valuable insight into what it’s like working there day-to-day. Reaching out to these individuals ahead of time could be beneficial as they might be able to provide additional information on topics not discussed during an official interview process – such as opportunities for growth or promotions within their organization – which would otherwise remain unknown until after getting hired.

Finally, research common interview questions and practice providing detailed responses ahead of time so that when asked these questions during an actual interview setting, you can answer confidently without hesitation. Try preparing answers using real life examples from previous experiences or hypothetical scenarios relevant to this particular role – this will give employers a better sense of how well-suited you are for this job opportunity based on concrete evidence rather than just empty words alone!

Gather company information from the job posting

Before a job interview, it is beneficial to get a better understanding of the company you are interviewing with. Spend time thoroughly reading through the job posting and make note of any industry-specific terms or acronyms used. Additionally, consider whether the organization is established or a startup to tailor your approach accordingly. Research other positions they have posted to understand their hiring needs and review their LinkedIn profiles to familiarize yourself with who works there and their experience level.

Gathering information from the job posting can provide insight into what type of individual they are looking for and how they fit into the organizational culture. This knowledge will help you prepare for your interview and make a great impression on those conducting it. With this information gathered beforehand, you will be better equipped for success when entering the job market.

Research company history and recent news

Before a job interview, it’s essential that job seekers gain an understanding of the company they are interviewing with. To get a comprehensive view of the organization and its operations, start by reading through the company website. This can provide insight into the products and services offered, as well as their mission statement, which may give further clues about the company culture.

Digging deeper into the business’s financial performance is also necessary. Check sites like Hoovers or Bloomberg for past earnings reports to get an idea of how successful they have been in recent years. Additionally, see if there have been any major mergers, acquisitions, partnerships, or news that could affect their current operations. Knowing who some key executives are can help you comprehend what kind of people you could be working with and for- look up their professional backgrounds to learn more about them.


It might also be beneficial to read recent press releases to get a better sense of current initiatives or activities at play in the organization. All this research will help you determine whether you would be a good fit for the role in question and make sure your meeting with a potential employer goes off without a hitch!

Reach out to your professional network

Making connections with people in your field is an important part of preparing for a job interview. Taking the time to research a company and build a strong professional network can be extremely beneficial regarding gaining insight into their organizational culture and values. LinkedIn is an excellent resource for finding contacts who have already worked or interviewed at the company, as well as industry professionals who share tips or experiences they had during their own interviews. Online forums such as Reddit also offer useful insights into what it’s like to work in certain industries or roles at particular companies.

Reaching out to those with direct experience at the company can be particularly helpful, as they can provide valuable information and feedback on how they prepared for their own interviews. Moreover, talking to alumni from the company can give you an accurate picture of both past and current performance of the organization. All this knowledge will help make sure you are ready for your job interview and make a good impression on potential employers.

If you want help preparing for a job interview, we can help you. Check out how here.

Find out what it’s like to work at the company

Regarding researching a company before an interview, there are plenty of resources available. From reading Glassdoor reviews and ratings to networking with professionals in the industry who have worked for the organization, job seekers can gain a great understanding of what it’s like working at the company. This knowledge can be invaluable in helping make sure they are making an informed decision when applying for jobs in their desired field.

Social media accounts and employee profiles on LinkedIn are two key sources of information about a company’s culture and values. Employee blogs or posts can provide further insight into what it’s like working there. Additionally, internships or apprenticeships offer potential future employees a first-hand experience of day-to-day life at the firm. All these avenues of research should provide job seekers with all the information they need to decide if this is the right employer for them.

About the Author

I’m a Marketing Communications professional passionate about helping people and businesses share their stories worldwide by unlocking their potential, crafting compelling narratives, and driving results. So grab a coffee, get a chair, and let's talk

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