How To Showcase Soft Skills In Technical Interview



Andreza Mendes

In the competitive landscape of job interviews, the ability to demonstrate technical prowess and a robust set of soft skills has become a critical differentiator for job seekers. While technical expertise forms the backbone of any role, employers increasingly value candidates who can effectively communicate, collaborate, and adapt in diverse work environments.

Navigating the balance between showcasing technical proficiency and highlighting essential soft skills can often turn out to be a challenging feat for many interviewees. However, mastering the art of presenting your soft skills alongside your technical knowledge can significantly elevate your candidacy and set you apart according to potential employers.

This comprehensive guide will delve into the essential strategies that can help you effectively communicate and highlight your soft skills during technical interviews. From fostering effective communication to demonstrating adaptability and problem-solving, we’ll explore actionable tips and real-world examples to help you leave a lasting impression and secure your dream technical role. Let’s uncover the key tactics that can transform your interview approach and enhance your prospects in the competitive technical job market.

But let’s start from the beginning…

What are soft skills?

Soft skills refer to a cluster of personal attributes, traits, and interpersonal abilities that enable individuals to interact effectively and harmoniously with others in various professional and social settings. While technical skills demonstrate your proficiency in a specific field, soft skills are equally essential in facilitating effective communication, collaboration, and problem-solving within teams and across organizational hierarchies.

Common examples of soft skills include:

Effective Communication

Effective communication is the ability to convey information, ideas, and thoughts clearly and persuasively, fostering understanding among individuals or within a team. This crucial soft skill goes beyond mere verbal expression; it encompasses active listening, clarity in expression, and the capacity to adapt communication styles based on the audience.

Effective communication is vital in the professional landscape because it lays the foundation for successful collaboration, minimizes misunderstandings, and promotes a positive and inclusive work environment.

Teamwork and Collaboration

Teamwork and collaboration are essential soft skills that involve the ability to work seamlessly with others toward a common goal, leveraging individual strengths and contributing to the collective success of a team or project. This skill extends beyond mere cooperation; it embraces active participation, open communication, and a willingness to share responsibilities.

Teamwork is crucial in the professional realm because it enhances innovation, problem-solving, and overall productivity. In a collaborative environment, diverse perspectives come together to tackle challenges, leading to more comprehensive and effective solutions.


Problem-solving is a fundamental soft skill that involves the capacity to analyze challenges, identify solutions, and make informed decisions to overcome obstacles or achieve objectives. This skill encompasses critical thinking, creativity, and adaptability, allowing individuals to navigate complex situations and find effective resolutions. In the professional context, problem-solving is crucial because it enables employees to address issues efficiently, innovate in the face of challenges, and contribute to the overall success of projects and initiatives.

Employers highly value individuals who can approach problems with a strategic mindset, as this skill enhances productivity and cultivates a culture of continuous improvement within the organization.

Adaptability and Flexibility

Adaptability and flexibility are essential soft skills that involve the ability to adjust and thrive in changing circumstances, environments, or job requirements. This skill set allows individuals to embrace new challenges, pivot in response to unexpected developments, and quickly acclimate to evolving situations. In the dynamic landscape of the professional world, adaptability and flexibility are crucial because they enable employees to navigate uncertainty, contribute to innovation, and remain effective in rapidly changing industries.

Employers highly value individuals who can demonstrate this soft skill, as it contributes to individual success and enhances a team’s ability to respond to shifting priorities and emerging opportunities.

Time Management and Organization

Time management and organization are indispensable soft skills that involve the effective planning, prioritization, and allocation of time and resources to achieve goals and meet deadlines. This skill set enables individuals to streamline their workflow, enhance productivity, and minimize stress associated with work demands. In the professional context, time management and organization are crucial because they contribute to meeting project timelines, maintaining efficiency, and ensuring the successful completion of tasks.

Employers value these skills as they reflect an individual’s ability to handle responsibilities effectively, contribute to team success, and maintain a structured and organized approach to work.

Soft skills serve as the cornerstone of effective professional relationships and contribute to the overall success of an individual’s career trajectory. Employers value these skills as they facilitate a positive work environment, foster collaboration, and contribute to the overall productivity and success of the organization. Understanding the significance of these soft skills is integral to effectively showcasing your abilities and strengths during technical interviews. Let’s further explore how you can highlight these soft skills to make a lasting impression on potential employers during the interview process.

Ok, but what does it have to do with technical interviews?

Understanding the Role of Soft Skills in Technical Interviews

In today’s dynamic, collaborative, and global work environments, employers are increasingly recognizing the pivotal role that soft skills play in driving organizational success. Beyond technical expertise, companies seek candidates who can effectively communicate complex ideas, collaborate with diverse teams, and adapt to evolving challenges. In the context of technical interviews, the ability to showcase a robust set of soft skills has become a crucial differentiator for job seekers.

Employers understand that technical skills form the foundation of any role, but it’s the integration of soft skills that often distinguishes exceptional candidates from the rest. Soft skills, such as effective communication, problem-solving, adaptability, and teamwork, enable professionals to thrive in high-pressure work settings and foster a culture of innovation and collaboration within organizations.

During technical interviews, recruiters aim to assess not only your technical knowledge but also your ability to work harmoniously within a team, solve complex problems, and communicate ideas clearly and concisely. Understanding the significance of these soft skills and their impact on your overall candidacy is essential to effectively navigate the intricate landscape of technical interviews.

In the following sections, we’ll explore in detail the specific soft skills that hold paramount importance in technical roles. By understanding the role each soft skill plays in the context of a technical interview, you can strategically prepare to showcase your strengths and position yourself as an invaluable asset to any prospective employer. Let’s delve deeper into the key soft skills that can significantly elevate your performance and candidacy during technical interviews.

Understanding non-obvious soft skills

While the significance of conventional soft skills such as communication and teamwork is widely acknowledged, several non-obvious soft skills often go unnoticed but play a pivotal role in shaping an individual’s professional success. These non-obvious soft skills encompass a range of subtle yet impactful attributes that contribute to an individual’s overall effectiveness and adaptability in the workplace.

Recognizing and cultivating these non-obvious soft skills can significantly enhance your ability to navigate complex work environments, build meaningful relationships, and thrive in dynamic professional settings. By delving into these often overlooked soft skills, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted nature of professional success and position yourself as a well-rounded and adaptable candidate in the competitive job market.

In the subsequent sections, we’ll explore a diverse range of non-obvious soft skills that are instrumental in fostering personal and professional growth. By understanding the nuances of these often underestimated soft skills, you can leverage your unique strengths to make a lasting impression and distinguish yourself during technical interviews. Let’s delve into the realm of non-obvious soft skills and uncover the key attributes that can elevate your candidacy and foster your professional development.

Less Obvious Soft Skills that Make a Difference

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a vital soft skill that involves the ability to understand, manage, and navigate one’s own emotions, as well as empathize with and influence the emotions of others. It encompasses self-awareness, self-regulation, social awareness, and relationship management. In the professional landscape, emotional intelligence is crucial as it fosters effective communication, conflict resolution, and collaboration. Individuals with high emotional intelligence can navigate diverse work environments, build strong interpersonal relationships, and contribute positively to team dynamics.

Employers recognize the value of emotional intelligence in promoting a positive and inclusive workplace culture, enhancing leadership capabilities, and overall team effectiveness.

During technical interviews, showcasing emotional intelligence underscores not only your technical competence, but also your ability to work harmoniously within a team and contribute to a healthy and collaborative work environment.


Empathy is a vital soft skill that involves the capacity to understand and share the feelings, perspectives, and experiences of others. It goes beyond sympathy, requiring individuals to connect emotionally with their colleagues, clients, or team members. In the professional context, empathy is crucial for fostering positive relationships, resolving conflicts, and building a collaborative work environment.

Empathetic individuals can communicate more effectively, demonstrate understanding in challenging situations, and contribute to a supportive and inclusive workplace culture. Employers value empathy as it enhances teamwork, customer relations, and overall organizational cohesion.

During technical interviews, showcasing empathy not only highlights your interpersonal skills but also signifies your potential to contribute positively to team dynamics and cultivate a compassionate work atmosphere.

Active Listening

Active listening is a fundamental soft skill that involves fully concentrating, understanding, responding, and remembering what is being said during a conversation. It goes beyond simply hearing words; active listening requires individuals to engage with the speaker, ask clarifying questions, and provide feedback.

In the professional context, active listening is crucial for effective communication, problem-solving, and building strong interpersonal relationships. It promotes mutual understanding, minimizes misunderstandings, and fosters a culture of open communication. Employers value active listening as it enhances teamwork, customer satisfaction, and overall workplace productivity.

During technical interviews, showcasing active listening skills not only demonstrates your ability to comprehend complex information but also underscores your commitment to collaborative and effective communication, making you a valuable asset to any team.

Cultural Competency

Cultural competency is an essential soft skill that involves the ability to understand, appreciate, and effectively interact with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. It goes beyond basic awareness to encompass a genuine respect for cultural differences, fostering inclusivity and equitable collaboration.

In the professional landscape, cultural competency is crucial as it enables individuals to navigate globalized workplaces, communicate across cultural boundaries, and contribute to the creation of a diverse and inclusive organizational culture. This skill is particularly valuable as it enhances effective communication, teamwork, and customer relations, fostering a workplace that values and leverages diverse perspectives. Employers recognize cultural competency as a key component of successful teamwork and client engagement, making it an important soft skill in today’s interconnected and multicultural business environment.

During technical interviews, showcasing cultural competency underscores your ability to work harmoniously with colleagues from diverse backgrounds, emphasizing your potential to contribute to a culturally inclusive and dynamic work environment.

What is the impact of Non-Obvious Soft Skills on team dynamics?

In the realm of professional collaboration, the impact of non-obvious soft skills on team dynamics is often the driving force behind a team’s overall effectiveness and success. While conventional soft skills lay the foundation for effective teamwork, it is the often overlooked non-obvious soft skills that contribute to the intricate interplay of personalities, perspectives, and approaches within a team.

These non-obvious soft skills encompass a spectrum of attributes, such as empathy, cultural awareness, conflict resolution, and critical thinking, which enable team members to navigate complex challenges, foster a culture of inclusivity, and drive innovation within the team environment. Understanding the profound impact of these nuanced soft skills on team dynamics is integral to fostering a collaborative and productive work atmosphere.

Let me share some examples with you.

Improved Communication

Emotional intelligence and active listening enhance communication by ensuring messages are received and interpreted accurately. This reduces the chances of miscommunication and conflicts within the team.

Enhanced Collaboration

Empathy and emotional intelligence promote a collaborative atmosphere where team members feel understood and valued. This mutual respect leads to better cooperation and idea sharing, ultimately improving team synergy.

Effective Problem-Solving

Soft skills like empathy allow team members to understand the challenges faced by others deeply. This understanding can lead to more innovative and effective problem-solving approaches, as solutions are tailored to meet the specific needs and concerns of all stakeholders.

Increased Team Morale

When team members feel heard and understood, their morale and motivation increase. A positive emotional environment fosters creativity and a willingness to go the extra mile, resulting in higher-quality project outcomes.

Ok. I got the importance. But…

How to showcase my soft skills in a technical interview?

We got your back. Let me share some examples of how you can showcase your soft skills in an interview:

Organizing Thoughts for Clear and Concise Communication

  • Structure your thoughts in a logical and coherent manner:
    • ensure that your message is clear and easy to understand;
  • Start with context / background and then state your main points:
    • support with relevant examples or evidence;
  • Practice active listening to the interviewer’s questions:
    • respond thoughtfully;
  • Avoid jargon and technical language:
    • otherwise, make sure the interviewer is familiar with it;

Explaining Complex Concepts to Non-Technical Interviewers

  • Assess the interviewer’s level of familiarity with technical terms:
    • if uncertain, it’s best to assume they have limited technical knowledge;
  • Break down the complex concept into simpler components:
    • Use analogies and real-world examples that are relatable;
  • Speak slowly and clearly:
    • encourage the interviewer to ask questions if something is unclear;
  • Pay attention to their reactions:
    • adjust your explanation accordingly;

Seeking Clarification and Providing Feedback Gracefully

  • Politely ask for clarification at unclear or ambiguous questions:
    • Active listening skills and fully understanding of the question before responding;
    • “Could you please provide more context about [specific aspect of the question]?”

  • Respectfully challenge an assumption or provide feedback:
    • Constructive feedback on a particular topic;
    • Focus on the issue at hand rather than criticizing the person;
    • “I appreciate your perspective. I see it slightly differently because of [provide your reasoning or evidence].”;

Exploring How Technical Scenarios and Coding Exercises Showcase Non-Obvious Soft Skills

  • Opportunity to showcase soft skills:
    • Resilience, patience, and attention to detail are crucial;
  • Handling challenges effectively:
    • Perseverance and staying calm under pressure are essential;
  • Encourages creativity and innovative thinking:
    • Thinking outside the box to find solutions is valued;
  • Managing frustration and maintaining a positive attitude:
    • Refining approaches after failures showcases emotional intelligence;
  • Impressing interviewers and highlighting adaptability:
    • The ability to cope with setbacks underscores adaptability and resilience;

Demonstrating the Value of Curiosity and a Growth Mindset

  • Openness to Learning: 
    • Express your enthusiasm for learning new concepts and technologies. Discuss past experiences where you proactively sought out knowledge or taught yourself new skills, emphasizing your proactive attitude towards learning.
  • Embracing Challenges: 
    • Share instances where you faced technical challenges and explain how you approached them with a positive attitude. Discuss the lessons learned and improvements made, highlighting your ability to adapt and grow from setbacks.
  • Emphasizing Growth Over Perfection: 
    • Showcase your willingness to experiment, make mistakes, and learn from them. Interviewers appreciate candidates who focus on continuous improvement and view mistakes as opportunities for growth rather than failures.

We had a webinar together with VanHack about the topic. So I’d like to add the video here too. It might be helpful for you:

Embracing the Power of Soft Skills in Technical Interviews

As you embark on your journey to excel in technical interviews, remember that mastering the art of showcasing soft skills is not just about ticking off a checklist. It’s about embodying a holistic approach to professional growth and development. By recognizing the pivotal role of soft skills in shaping your success, you are not only equipping yourself with the tools to excel in technical interviews, but also laying the groundwork for a fulfilling and impactful career journey.

Whether it’s effective communication, adaptability, or creativity, each soft skill plays a unique and indispensable role in fostering collaboration, innovation, and resilience within the professional landscape. By harnessing the power of these soft skills, you have the opportunity to transcend the boundaries of technical expertise and emerge as a well-rounded professional capable of leaving a lasting impression and making a meaningful impact in any organization you become a part of.

As you prepare to showcase your technical prowess and soft skills in your upcoming interviews, remember that the journey is not just about landing the job—it’s about embracing the continuous process of personal and professional growth. So, go forth with confidence, resilience, and an in-depth understanding of your unique strengths. Your journey to success in technical interviews is not just a destination; it’s a transformative voyage toward a rewarding and fulfilling career. Best of luck on your path to professional excellence!

Ready to transform your interview performance and land that dream technical role? Supercharge your success with Job Interview Pro’s expert mentoring service. Elevate your skills, master the art of showcasing soft skills, and confidently navigate technical interviews. Don’t just interview—excel. Start your journey to success now!

About the Author

I’m a Marketing Communications professional passionate about helping people and businesses share their stories worldwide by unlocking their potential, crafting compelling narratives, and driving results. So grab a coffee, get a chair, and let's talk

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