How to write a great work experience on LinkedIn



Andreza Mendes

In the dynamic realm of professional networking, your LinkedIn profile serves as a virtual resume, and crafting a compelling “work experience” section is the key to unlocking new opportunities. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your career journey, knowing how to showcase your work experience strategically on LinkedIn can make all the difference.

This guide isn’t just about listing job titles—it’s about crafting a narrative that captivates, intrigues, and highlights your unique professional journey. So, if you’ve ever wondered how to write work experience on LinkedIn that not only grabs attention but leaves a lasting impression, you’re in the right place.

Let’s dive into the art of storytelling your career effectively and maximizing the impact of your work experience on the world’s premier professional platform.

Crafting a Compelling Work Experience Story

In the world of professional networking, your work experience isn’t just a chronological list of roles—it’s a narrative that tells the story of your career journey. To engage your audience and leave a lasting impression, uncover the power of storytelling. Move beyond the mundane recitation of job titles and duties, and instead, transform your job history into a captivating narrative that showcases your skills, growth, and impact.

Start by identifying the overarching themes in your career—moments of achievement, challenges overcome, and skills honed. Craft each role as a chapter in your professional story, allowing your audience to follow your progression and understand the evolution of your expertise. Share anecdotes that illustrate your adaptability, resilience, and ability to drive results.

Remember, your work experience is more than a list; it’s a dynamic tale of your professional identity. By infusing storytelling into your LinkedIn profile, you engage your audience and make your work experience memorable, leaving a powerful impression that extends beyond the details of your job titles. Let’s embark on the journey of transforming your work experience into a compelling narrative that captivates and resonates with your professional audience.

There’s a framework you can use for writing your work experience: the START method.

What’s the STAR Framework and How It Can Help You Write Your Job Experience on LinkedIn

Imagine you’re telling a captivating story about a project you led or a challenge you conquered at work. You want to make it engaging, clear, and impactful. That’s where the STAR framework comes in—a powerful tool to turn your professional experiences into compelling narratives on LinkedIn.

Situation: Start by setting the scene. Describe the context and background of the situation you faced at work. For example, “In my role as a Project Manager, we were tasked with launching a new product in a highly competitive market.”

Task: Outline what your specific responsibilities were in that situation. Detail the challenges you needed to address and your role in tackling them. For instance, “My task was to coordinate cross-functional teams, manage timelines, and ensure seamless collaboration between departments.”

Action: Share the actions you took to address the challenges. Highlight your skills, strategies, and decisions. “I implemented a streamlined communication plan, conducted weekly progress meetings, and identified and resolved bottlenecks in the production process.”

Result: Conclude with the positive outcomes of your efforts. Quantify your achievements whenever possible. “As a result, we successfully launched the product ahead of schedule, increasing market share by 20% and garnering positive customer feedback.”

By applying the STAR framework, you transform your job experience section on LinkedIn into a compelling narrative that showcases not just what you did, but how effectively you did it. This storytelling approach captures the attention of potential employers and provides a clear picture of your professional impact. Try incorporating STAR into your LinkedIn storytelling, and watch your profile stand out with engaging, results-driven stories.

We’ve had a Lunch & Learn session about the STAR(T) method. I’ll add the video here:

Strategic Keyword Integration for Visibility

Imagine your LinkedIn profile is like a treasure map, and people are trying to find you among the vast online world. Keywords are the special clues that make you easier to discover. Learning how to use these clues is like creating a map with the right signs so that people looking for someone with your skills can find you easily.

Here’s the trick: think about words that best describe what you do and the things you’re good at. These are your magical keywords. When you add them to your LinkedIn profile, especially in your work experience section, it’s like making your treasure map more detailed.

When people search for those specific words, your profile will pop up because you’ve cleverly included the right clues. This is called “SEO” or Search Engine Optimization, and it’s like having a special map that helps people find your treasure (your skills and experiences) more easily. So, let’s make your LinkedIn map sparkle with the proper keywords and make sure everyone can find the remarkable professional treasure that is you!

Showcasing Achievements and Impact

Ok, let’s imagine your work experience is like a superhero story. You’re not just telling people about the superheroes (your jobs), but you’re showing how they saved the day and made a difference.

So, instead of just saying, “I worked here and did this,” let’s make it more exciting. Think about the cool things you did in each job, like solving problems, helping your team, or improving things. These are your superhero achievements!

When you write about your work experience, don’t forget to share these superhero moments. Maybe you improved a process, saved the day with a great idea, or helped your team reach a goal. These are the things that make you a superhero at work!

And guess what? People who might want to work with superheroes like you will see these astonishing achievements and know how awesome you are. So, let’s make sure your LinkedIn story is packed with superhero adventures and all the great things you’ve done at work!

Tailoring Work Experience to Your Career Goals

Alright, imagine you’re the captain of a spaceship, and your career is the journey you’re taking through space. Each job you’ve had is like a stop on your space adventure. Now, to be the best space captain, you need to plan where you want to go next, right?

That’s a bit like your career goals. You don’t want to randomly fly around; you intend to go where you dream of going. So, when you elaborate on your work experience on LinkedIn, it’s like telling the story of your space journey. But here’s the cool part: you can share how each job prepared you for the wonderful places you would like to explore next.

It’s not just about where you’ve been; it’s about where you’re going. So, let’s make sure your LinkedIn spaceship is set to zoom toward your career goals. That way, anyone who looks at your profile will see not just your past adventures, but also the exciting destinations you’re aiming for in your professional journey!

Utilizing Multimedia for Enhanced Engagement

Imagine your LinkedIn profile is like a book about you, and you want it to be the most interesting book ever. Now, think about pictures in your favorite books that help tell the story. We can do the same with your LinkedIn story!

When we discuss multimedia, it’s like adding special pictures and presentations to your book to make it exciting and fun to read. Instead of just telling people about your work, let’s show them cool images or slides that highlight your achievements.

For example, if you worked on a project, you can add pictures of the project or create a presentation to showcase what you did. It’s like turning your work adventures into a picture storybook! People love looking at interesting pictures, so let’s use that magic to make your LinkedIn book stand out and tell your professional story in the most exciting way possible. Ready to make your profile the coolest storybook ever? Let’s do it!

Building a Cohesive Professional Brand

Alright, let’s think of your professional brand as a super cool puzzle made up of all the remarkable things you’ve done in your career. Each piece of the puzzle is like a different skill or experience you’ve gained along the way.

Now, when we elaborate on your work experience, it’s not just about saying, “I did this and that.” It’s about showing how each piece of the puzzle fits together to create the big picture of your professional self.

Think of your brand as the story that your puzzle tells. Maybe you’re the problem-solving wizard or the coding champion. Your LinkedIn profile is the place to tell that story and make sure all the puzzle pieces fit perfectly.

So, let’s make sure your brand story is clear and exciting. We want everyone who looks at your profile to see the fantastic puzzle of skills and experiences that make you the great professional you are. Ready to create a professional brand that stands out and tells the world how amazing you are? Let’s do it!

Leveraging Recommendations and Endorsements

Imagine you’re at a big talent show, and you want everyone to know how great you are at singing or dancing. Now, think of endorsements and recommendations, like getting cheers and applause from people who have seen you perform. It’s not just you saying, “Wow, I’m really good at what I do.” It’s others saying, “I’ve seen the job this person does. It’s really, really good!”

On LinkedIn, endorsements and recommendations work the same way. When people you’ve worked with give you endorsements, it’s like them reaffirming your skills. And when they write recommendations, it’s like they’re telling everyone how fantastic you are.

Now, here’s the cool part: these endorsements and recommendations are like gold stars on your professional report card. When other professionals see them on your LinkedIn profile, they know you’re not just saying you’re good at something—other people are vouching for your awesomeness!

We’ve talked about endorsements on LinkedIn in this Lunch & Learn Session:

So, let’s learn some magic tricks to ask for and showcase these gold stars effectively. With the right strategies, you can turn your LinkedIn profile into a standing ovation for your skills and experiences. Ready to make your professional talent show the talk of the town? Let’s get those cheers and make your LinkedIn profile shine

I hope the tips we shared here help you on crafting an irresistible work experience on LinkedIn. From storytelling and strategic keywords to showcasing achievements and building your professional brand, your profile is now a captivating narrative that reflects your unique journey.

But here’s the real magic: it’s time to turn these insights into action. Update your LinkedIn profile, add those exciting multimedia elements, and start leveraging endorsements and recommendations to let your professional achievements shine.

Ready to take it a step further? Introducing LinkedIn Lift—an exclusive personalized mentorship program designed to transform your LinkedIn profile into a job magnet. Elevate your professional brand, receive tailored guidance, and unleash the full potential of your career story. Don’t just stand out—soar above the competition. Your LinkedIn success story starts now! Embrace the lift, and let’s turn your profile into a career powerhouse!

About the Author

I’m a Marketing Communications professional passionate about helping people and businesses share their stories worldwide by unlocking their potential, crafting compelling narratives, and driving results. So grab a coffee, get a chair, and let's talk

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